Rome2rio Clone - Travel And Accommodation Solution
What is Rome2rio Clone?
As mobile apps continue to steadily grow, the advent of commuting apps have remodeled the whole world of the travel industry. Rome2rio Clone is an Open Source search aggregator, that provides traveling information like travel reviews, travel fairs, booking or combination of above. Rome2rio Clone Script mainly focuses on “Discover how to get anywhere” by simply searching flights, trains, bus, rental car, rideshare and ferry routes. By soberly entering the address, landmark or destination, Rome2rio Clone Script PHP unveils all the information regarding accommodation, travel & bookings options etc.
Why should you use Rome2rio Clone?
Planning to help people in a style or simply wants to introduce a way to plan a trip in a swag? A Rome2rio Clone is a perfect answer and it proves to be beneficial for every smaller or bigger terminus. Offering such a solution to the people is surely rewarding due its advantages. We enable entrepreneurs to actualize their business goals through our customized clone scripts development solution.
- Admin side
- Dashboard: We provide the best user-friendly admin dashboard for your better site management.
- Customer management: Manage your customer’s profile like registration, guest customers, manage a wishlist, coupons, etc.
- CRS management: Rome2rio Clone also provides features of managing hotels, tours, packages, etc. View details of tickets raised, payment status, etc.
- User Side
- Hybrid solution: Rome2rio Clone Script is compatible with both website & android. Users can experience a fully branded trip planner solution.
- Search aggregator: Rome2rio Clone Script PHP is a search aggregator that allows you to search for hotels, tickets, routes, rental cars, etc, and can display a convenient result with rich amenities.
- Notification Alert: Customers can receive notification alerts related to bookings, payments, availability, etc to stay up to date.